
"Claires" are natural salt marshes. They are not very big and shallow.

" Claires" are old salt flats coverted to oyster breeding.

" Affinage " is the final stage of breeding oyster.

Oysters are submerged in "Claires" during 14 to 28 days : 
- 14 days betweem May 1st and September 30th
- 28 days between October 1st and April 30th.

The " affinage" move organoleptique criteria of oysters ( taste, shell, colour ... ) 

Each Spring the "Claires are emptied ; with the rain and the sun actions, the soil fills with oxygen and recreates its natural fertiliser.

Every 3 - 4 years, we redug the "Claires"  - it s the " Picquage ".

Our salt marsh for the "Affinage" is more 16 hectares.